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מה זה searchwatch?

Wapp Dog's goal is to help people find and search missing pets and assist by report and watch lost or stray animals. It does so with the growing online community and the Search Watch mobile app.

At Wapp Dog’s website and app you can always quickly reach the search and watch pages to report missing pet.


In the Search page you can post about your lost pet or anyone else you know who is looking for their loved ones.


In the Watch page you can report animals you spotted who someone might look for or in need of help.


We also provide an easy and free platform for people to adopt pets who are looking for a home. Make sure to reach out if you can.


Wapp Dog is also always on his Poop Patrol and that's where everyone can report about PETS’ pee or poop issues.

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Wapp Dog's vision is to create a community that units the virtual social world and the real world of animals lovers. Together, with the help of the community as a whole and of each and every member individually, we can help other beings in need. Whether they the two legged ones or the four.



At Wapp.Dog website and app you can always quickly reach the Search and Watch pages to report lost or Found animal by clicking the first letter in our name, which stands for the 'Watch' in 'Watch Dog'.

To reach the adopt page, click the letter A.

You can obviously reach the Poop Patrol by clicking pp in our name.

The dog will always lead you to the menu.

At the Seacrh section you can read reports and post about an animal you lost. You can also browse around to see if there are animals you might spotted.

At the Wacth section you can report about a found or spotted animal someone else might have lost. You can also browse around to see if there are animals you might spotted.

Use hashtags to create Communities!

Our idea was to create local or regional communicates to help people to find missing pets. That's why we wanna give you full control on the way you organize your posts, notification, followers and following. 

The best why to find near by members is to use tags in your posts. Hashtags with the name of your city, area or even country are the most useful. After you find new members, you can start follow each other and chat. 

When you want to start your Community simply use the location name (or other name you think will be clear) and use it in an hashtag walong with SearchWatch, just like this: #WashingtonSearchWatch #ParisSerchWatch #BostonSearchWatch #LondonSearchWatch

***Any community that will reach more than 100 members, the first 10 members of the community will receive Free SearchWatch T-shirts!

You probably ask yourself what if none of your friends are using this app (yet)? That's ok, because there are others members who might be able to help without you knowing them first. It is also very simple to share your post on SearchWatch to other social platforms. Make sure that in the report you are posting to include as much information and pictures possible so you could avoid answering the same answers again and again... People who might be able to help will always can reply for free to your posts in the app and website.

You can also find our newly growing community on Facebook and Instagram.

If you can help with any of the posts, both at the Search and the Watch, comments and sharing are always welcome.

So come on! let's be kind and social and help each other find our loved furry friends!

Pitbull Portrait
Grey Kitten
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